
Thank you for visiting our site. Our product is called the blue bio cylinder. It is what we term as a living artistic display containing live bamboo and sea plants with small shrimp and coral. It has all the features of the highly marketed ecosphere but with many advantages. It is far more esthetically beautiful than the ecosphere. Its also humain on the shrimp as this design allows for feeding (note that in the ecosphere the shrimp actually starve due to them not being fed). Its also much cheaper. It can be used for many purposes:

Item comes with 1 years worth of food and a feeding kit. Soon these items will be available on ebay and eventually for sale on this site.
the top insert is made with clear blue and green glass rocks that allow the inside water proof light to be reflected carrying the color to the top and bottom exteriors.
The bottom is a cylindrical biosphere mini ocean salt water biosphere containing 2 ocean plants nd 4 ocean shrimp. It also contains sea sand and dead coral with a holographic ocean background. the cost of this item will be around $60.00 dollars plus shipping. Please click on the Photos link to see more details.